Tuesday, October 18, 2011

working on Africa and a finished piece

the tusks on the elephant are all beaded now

and yesterday I went through all of the stuff that I once used on teddy bears and found the onyx beads that will be perfect eyes on this piece

the first elephant piece I had done was a rectangular piece with both the mama and the baby in it, this one looks more like the dad -- for some reason just more imposing -- maybe its the darker color

and this panel is more of a square

more beading to follow!

spent a lot of time working on the next stamp for the Africa series

finally got a line drawing of a Great Ape that I was happy with and got the stamp all cut

hopefully today I'll be able to get some fabric prepared and get a good clean stamp of this one

I would like to have this one to take with me on Saturday for the demos I'll be doing at the Art Center again

its amazing that after all the fussing over this piece how well it actually came out

after I cut this one I find that I have enough material to cut one more stamp for this series -- if it is an animal that I can cut out the shape of material that is left -- I'll be working on figuring out what animal that might be -- and then I guess I'll be needing to get some more material to cut stamps from

finished this piece last night

I'm pretty pleased with this piece

when I went looking for something to use inside the bracelet, I discovered that I had some peacock blue leather on hand which is a perfect match

once I finished this piece I did start right in on another piece that involves Rocky Mountain Beach Glass that I already had laid out, but I'm working on an idea for a necklace that will take this whole peacock idea to a whole new level (I hope -- if my idea works!)

the repair man is on his way to look at the dryer -- time to get moving

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Beautiful work. Love it.