Thursday, January 26, 2012

drawing revisions

just a small tweek -- now the 3 vases are at 3 different levels so it sort of flows

now it's on to doing something so it doesn't look like these vases are just floating in air

which is why I've printed out a sheet of these that I can play with

oh yeah, and I moved the flowers in the vase on the left a little closer to the rim of the vase

I think I'm going to move the two taller vases so they are a bit closer together too -- perhaps touching there behind the front one

then there will be the discussion of what colors these are all going to be

yesterday afternoon I finished putting the face on the dinosaur and started working on the framing around him -- hopefully this afternoon I'll get that finished

I want to spend some time putting together some "kits" for the new jewelry pieces so I can figure out if I need to order anything (other than the clasp I know I'll need for the cameo bracelet) and so I can just get started working on something!

got to go pick up a prescription and an ink cartridge for my printer first

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Traditional Japanese flower arrangements, I've been told, always are presented in threes moving upward like that.