Tuesday, January 24, 2012

finished, progress and new "toys"

finished this up last night

the third of the hot pads I've been making for my daughter by working on them while I'm talking on the phone


this ball of yarn is almost gone now, so I need to go to the stash and pull out some more cotton

and the first front of the sweater I'm knitting is finished too

I started the other front last night

moving right along

oh look, it's a headless dinosaur!

this is the center block of the baby quilt, and it's moving right along

needs legs and a head

I found the fabric I'm using for the dinosaur in my stash and I really like the way it looks for this


I've been working on some ideas for some new pieces of jewelry, so the other day I made some purchases on Etsy for some pieces to use in them

the Egyptian charm is for a piece I've been working on that has lapis blue glass beads with gold beads --- I plan to use this charm at the center of the piece

the mermaid is for a piece I've been planning that will also use a slice of a chambered nautilus

the ivory colored carved block was something that I saw in the Etsy store when I found the other two pieces and it just shouted "take me too" -- I'm thinking about a bracelet for this piece

nothing like new materials to kick up the creative juices!!

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

I thought the dinosaur just had a thick tail, with the head chanting Shel Silverstein's, Oh I'm looking for my missing piece, looking for my missing piece, so fleece my bees and grease my knees, I'm looking for my missing piece!