Saturday, January 14, 2012

working and grumbling

another dinosaur block almost completed!

this one is pretty cute too -- love the little stegosaurus

you can see by the pins around the edge that I'm working on attaching the "frame" to this block right now

and the progress being made on the scarf I'm knitting for the DH ---

this is almost 14 inches long now, so it's moving right along

looking at it in the photo, the pattern sort of makes me think of ribbing that runs on the diagonal -- pretty interesting

yesterday was a challenge

the home health nurse was supposed to come and do a blood draw so the doctor could determine if it is okay for the DH to go back onto one of his diabetic medications

the nurse called and said she would be here at 1 pm -- she finally showed up at 2:30 pm -- and then she couldn't do the blood draw and wanted to send someone else out that would be here "right away" -- at 4:15 she called and said it would be quite a while before she could be here --

I ended up taking him back over to the lab at the hospital, getting there just before 5 -- just in time to get someone to do the draw before we would have had to go through emergency

so much for getting him back on his medications for the weekend -- I am definitely unhappy with the way this was handled

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Report her. That's just not...! I had a home health nurse three years ago that while nice enough, breached protocol badly enough that I had to do that. It was awful, but it was a serious issue and I had to protect the next patient.