Saturday, June 16, 2012

new quilted piece started

earlier in the week I got a call for entries with a "memories of summer" theme

sometimes a theme just clicks and I'm off and running

yesterday I created this back ground for the piece I'm doing

I also prepared the fabric with Wonder Under to fuse the figures I want to add across the bottom -- because they are pretty small I decided to fuse instead of doing needle turn applique

and as usual, I'm enjoying tossing one more club into the ongoing juggling act!

even with all that time spent on the new quilt, I did do the page for the busy book that I had planned after Thursday's scavenging for a belt

since it was a white belt I decided it needed to be on a pair of light blue, summer pants

I think I'm done making pages now (unless, of course, I think of something else I need to add), which means its time to start putting the whole thing together

guess it's time to figure out what I want the cover to look like

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Looking at that quilt, immediate memories came to mind of waiting for it to be dark enough of a summer's night for the fireflies to start lighting up while still barely early enough that the neighbor kids and I didn't have to go to bed yet.