Monday, January 16, 2012

new camera tricks

this little guy was on the front lawn this morning when I went out to get the paper

he just sat there and looked at me while I walked out to the end of the driveway, picked up the paper and walked back to the house

so I decided to grab the new camera and see what I could get

ok, I'm even more impressed with the camera after this --- so cool!

over the weekend I sold a charm bracelet from my Etsy store

the purchaser told me it was a gift for her daughter, so yesterday afternoon I adjusted it to the right length for her

and I'm happy to do it

(I'd almost forgotten I'd made these, and I still like them -- hope her daughter does!)

progress being made on the beaded bracelet

looking good

today we're going to try to get back into something that resembles the usual routine -- laundry!

(oh yes, I got that phone call from the doctor's office this morning that it was ok for the DH to get back on his medications -- I'm still annoyed and thinking seriously about making a formal complaint about the way that whole issue was handled)

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

They need to know, and if the complaint isn't formal then they can't formally do anything about it if the problems with that nurse are ongoing. Everybody can have a bad day once in awhile, but if that's a regular pattern...