Monday, June 11, 2012

stars in our eyes

another page of the busy book -- or actually a pair of pages -- complete

this was fun --- each shape's outline is stitched on the page, and a Velcro strip is stitched in the center, then the shapes had the Velcro attached and were stitched then they were cut out


I still want to do a color wheel, a shoe that laces, something that buckles and a clock with hands that turn (time to search for a shoe lace of the proper length, and I need to remember to hang on to the next milk jug that gets emptied so I can cut out clock hands!)

more about those star bezels -- I had seen this technique in a photo of a piece someone else had done, and I liked it

originally I was timid about even trying it, but I decided why not -- if it didn't work out I could just pick it out  -- of course there might be mumbling and grumbling, but hey -- it might actually work!

let's remember that math is NOT my strong suit, but I can do these primitive little drawings --- and it worked!

so now I'm thinking about trying this technique around an oval stone -- and I'd like to do an even bigger round one with even more points


along with the lawn work and laundry, today's activities include some shopping and getting a room ready for my sister, who is coming to visit tomorrow

time to get busy

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Love love love the book! And I love that you're creating something new to you with the beading.