Saturday, October 04, 2008

hmmmm, purple seems to be the color

I didn't really think about it, but I seem to have been in a purple haze on the projects the last few days!

necklace complete!

For an inexpensive piece of stone, this is a truly awesome piece of fluorite -- even in this picture you can actually see the "stripes" of color -- cool!

The ends of the bar on this toggle are also fluorite -- I had some heart shaped fluorite beads left from another project, so I used one on each end -- I just can't get over how much of a difference it makes in the "finished" look

So now it's on to working on another leaf necklace. I started doing the chain for it last night, and I'm already at the "zip it" stage on it


I'm not sure what you were just turned into, but the little wizard is trying his tricks!

Truly, it feels like some sort of magic trick happened with this little guy -- just a few snips of fur and some stitches here and there and he's a great bear

So today I will make another attempt at creating a wand for him, and then we have the challenge of trying to find a box that he will fit in so I can ship him off -- needs to be about as wide and it is tall, and he'll have to turn his head to allow for the hat!

Bird pieces are accumulating -- 26 installed as of last night and one sleeve sewn into the Christmas sweater.

rollin', rollin', rollin'!

1 comment:

Nancy G said...

He is SO cute! Too bad he can't just disapparate to get where he needs to go; would save looking for a box, and postage, too.