Thursday, October 02, 2008

off the needles

and off my rocker?

Last night I bound off the last stitches of the first of the Christmas knitting projects, so now there is the stitching and blocking and weaving in of ends to do

On to the next knitting with a bit more attention to be paid to the many, MANY pattern panels that it involves

(I think I can, I think I can!)

My box of Mittnz has gone off to the Indian Reservation in South Dakato, so hopefully 8 pair of hands will be warmer this winter because of me -- its a good thing!!

The wizardry has begun

The first thing I did to the bear yesterday (after snapping his picture) was to use a squirt bottle and a stiff brush on his face (yes, I can hear you saying "OUCH!", but trust me, he didn't feel a thing!!)

the problem with the hair on his face had to do with the way pile fabrics like mohair are make and the way the original pieces that made up his face were laid out and cut from that mohair -- let's just say he had an issue with the multi-directional lay of the hair on his head

So, that being done, I needed to let him dry completely before I do anything else (it's a lot like putting your hair in rollers and then needing it to dry before you do the comb out)

While the drying was going on, I made him this nifty hat ("'s really sharp, don't you think...")

so today I'll be starting on his robe and trying to decide if I can come up with a suitable wand (I have no access to a phoenix feather for the purpose)


1 comment:

Nancy G said...

Oh dear, sounds like the bear has hair like mine - way too many cowlicks! LOL
Don't suppose you have any unicorn hair, either...